Zoe Hope Project is a non for profit organization supported by The Church of Christ in Bright, Victoria. Zoe Hope Project will be a shelter for young pregnant rape victims of Zambia, providing financial and emotional support to enable these girls to keep their babies after giving birth.

Vision & Purpose

To trust that God will provide us with strength and courage to do his work providing love, shelter and care to his children in Zambia.
To Raise up an army of people, called into action, to work together, to raise awareness of the plight of young pregnant rape victims in Zambia.
By working together we will be able to provide the young rape victims and their babies with shelter, education, clean water, food, medical attention and the love of God.
What Zoe Hope Project is about.
Zoe Hope Project is about, creating a centre in Zambia, to empower young rape victims to accept and love the growing baby inside them. Then to provide them with support and assistance to give birth, supported and loved in a nurturing environment.
Then to teach them to love and nurture themselves and their baby.
My Vision Statement.
I intend to make the lives of people less fortunate than me, a little better by showing them that there is hope in Christ Jesus,
It is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me.
Thank You for your support and encouragement.